Model dan Desain Rumah Minimalis Populer

Model dan Desain Rumah Minimalis Populer

Model dan Desain Rumah Minimalis Populer –  Rumah minimalis didasarkan pada gagasan bahwa less is more. Semakin sederhana rumahnya, maka akan terlihat semakin elegan dan mewah. Gaya minimalis bisa diterapkan pada rumah dengan ukuran terbatas dan furnitur di dalamnya.

Model dan Desain Rumah Minimalis Populer

Model dan Desain Rumah Minimalis Populer

vmiredetstva – Jika Anda sedang memikirkan rumah modern dengan dekorasi minimalis, berikut beberapa inspirasinya.


Konsep minimalis mengekspresikan ruang sederhana dengan menonjolkan arsitektur yang menarik. Rumah dengan desain minimalis mengedepankan fungsionalitas sehingga meningkatkan nilai rumah.

Berikut beberapa alasan mengapa desain rumah minimalis digemari banyak orang.

1. Multifungsi
Setiap bagian rumah Anda memiliki tujuan, dan bahkan furnitur di dalamnya pun memiliki tujuan. Selain memperhatikan kaidah estetika, menata pintu, jendela, dan tangga dengan gaya minimalis juga memiliki fungsi tertentu. Terdapat jendela besar untuk memastikan ventilasi dan sinar matahari. Pada rumah minimalis, Anda juga bisa memilih tangga spiral untuk menghemat ruang dan tampil cantik.
2. Sesuai kebutuhan
Desain rumah minimalis ini juga bertujuan agar penghuni rumah diajak untuk memikirkan apa yang penting dan apa yang pasti akan digunakan. Apakah keluarga kecil yang terdiri dari orang tua dan anak membutuhkan sofa berukuran besar? Apakah ruangan berukuran kecil cocok dijadikan ruang keluarga dengan furnitur berukuran besar? Gaya hidup masa kini cenderung lebih praktis dan berbasis kebutuhan.

3. Modern
Rumah minimalis banyak digemari karena memberikan nuansa canggih dan modern. Hal ini juga mudah dilakukan karena bentuknya yang sederhana seperti kubus, persegi, atau segitiga. Rumah tersebut kekurangan dekorasi seperti pilar dan lukisan sehingga terlihat bersih dan mahal.

Desain rumah minimalis seringkali diterapkan secara dinamis, mulai dari bentuk rumah hingga furnitur bahkan desain eksteriornya. Kombinasi yang tepat menciptakan tampilan minimalis yang juga memenuhi kebutuhan anak-anak.


Baca Juga : Simple House Design With Three Bedrooms in The Village 


Hadirkan gaya minimalis favorit Anda ke rumah Anda
Konsep minimalis mengekspresikan ruang sederhana dengan menonjolkan arsitektur yang menarik. Rumah dengan desain minimalis mengedepankan fungsionalitas sehingga meningkatkan nilai rumah. Berikut beberapa alasan mengapa desain rumah minimalis digemari banyak orang.

1. Model tipe 21 – partisi minimal
Sudah menjadi rahasia umum bahwa tipe rumah menunjukkan luasnya. Jadi, untuk rumah tipe 21 luas bangunannya 21 meter persegi, meski panjang dan lebarnya bisa berbeda. Model rumah tipe 21 bisa tampil lebih besar karena partisi lebih sedikit dan sirkulasi udara lebih merata. Tipe 21 juga berarti terdapat dua ruangan, salah satunya adalah kamar tidur. Ruang tamu memiliki akses langsung ke dapur dan kamar mandi. Rumah minimalis jenis ini cocok dengan gaya dengan furnitur dan dekorasi minimalis. Itupun usahakan memiliki beberapa fitur agar sesuai dengan tema minimalis yang diterapkan.

2. Model tipe 36 – ekstensi depan atau belakang
Ini adalah tipe rumah yang paling umum, tidak terlalu kecil dan tidak terlalu besar. Luas bangunan 36 m². Terdapat dua kamar tidur, ruang tamu dan ruang dapur (biasanya terletak di belakang). Tipe ini biasanya memiliki sedikit ruang untuk teras atau halaman belakang.

Tampilan rumah minimalis bisa dibuat terlihat lebih besar dengan membuat bukaan di bagian belakang atau depan sehingga membuat rumah terasa lebih luas. Anda bisa membangun partisi kaca yang membuka dan menutup ke arah halaman belakang rumah Anda. Sedangkan untuk area luas di bagian depan, penambahan teras untuk dijadikan area duduk dan berjemur akan membuatnya semakin luas dan cocok untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga dan teman.

3. Model tipe 45 – bukaan selebar mungkin
Dengan luas bangunan 45 m², eksterior rumah sederhana modern cocok untuk keluarga kecil yang membutuhkan ruangan lebih luas. Teras depan rumah bisa dijadikan garasi mobil, dan di belakang bisa dijadikan taman kecil. Dengan mempertimbangkan privasi, Anda bisa fokus pada rumah minimalis dengan tambahan area di bagian belakang. Anda juga dapat memasangkannya pada bagian depan sesuai dengan kendaraan Anda. Eksterior rumah ini jelas fungsional karena semakin banyak barang yang ditambahkan ke dalam rumah.

4. Model perumahan tipe 54 – ruang terbuka
Tipe 54 biasanya memiliki dua lantai. Dengan fokus pada breathability, kesan minimalis bisa Anda tampilkan secara tegas. Lantai atas umumnya panas, sehingga Anda memerlukan area semi terbuka, seperti jendela besar atau area yang bisa dijadikan balkon untuk bersantai dan menenangkan diri. Namun, Anda bisa memasang AC untuk menambah kenyamanan Anda.


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Ini adalah model rumah kelas menengah minimalis dengan ruang arsitektur yang sangat baik. Model perumahan dengan luas 54 meter persegi ini bisa diperluas hingga mencakup ruangan lain di loteng. Penampakannya bisa berbentuk atasan segitiga atau persegi, menonjolkan kelancaran sistem drainase dari atas hingga bawah.

5. Model Hunian Tipe 60 – Furnitur Besar
Rumah tipe 60 bisa memiliki ruangan yang lebih banyak, terutama untuk keluarga besar. Namun, Anda juga bisa fokus untuk membuat ruangan lebih besar agar tidak terasa sempit. Ukuran ini memungkinkan Anda memasang perangkat yang lebih besar dan tetap mempertahankan tema minimalis.

6. Model Perumahan Type 120 – Luas 2 Lantai
Model rumah yang luas ini sering kali berarti menambahkan garasi untuk dua atau tiga mobil, serta tambahan kamar tidur dan kamar mandi. Perlu diperhatikan bahwa Anda dapat mengosongkan bagian tengahnya untuk membuat atap kaca dan menggunakannya sebagai hiasan, atau membuatnya berlubang agar air hujan dan sinar matahari dapat masuk. Bukaannya tidak harus melalui jendela, pintu juga bisa dibuka dari tengah rumah.

7. model modular
Rumah minimalis modular atau rumah pabrikan lebih murah dibandingkan membangun rumah tradisional. Komponen rumah dikirimkan dan dipasang sesuai desain. Rumah jenis ini dapat dipasang dalam waktu tiga bulan dan dapat dibongkar serta dipindahkan jika diperlukan.

Dari segi arsitektural, model ini sangat cocok dengan aksen modern, ramah lingkungan dan minimalis. Meski popularitasnya semakin meningkat, sebagai investasi atau dijual kembali, model perumahan ini masih belum cukup terkenal untuk menarik pembeli. 8. Rumah kontainer ramah lingkungan dan praktis
Banyak orang mungkin pernah melihat kedai kopi dengan wadahnya. Tapi bagaimana dengan rumah kontainer dan kargo terstruktur? Bentuknya persegi panjang, cocok untuk keluarga kecil. Menambahkan kontainer dapat mengosongkan ruang.

Simple House Design With Three Bedrooms in The Village

Simple House Design With Three Bedrooms in The Village

Simple House Design With Three Bedrooms in The Village –  Natural beauty, fresh air, and a quiet environment are attractive factors for individuals who choose to build a house in the countryside. Although located in a village environment, the house can maintain a modern or minimalist appearance. The design of a simple three-bedroom house in a rural environment is able to integrate the comfort of living with the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Simple House Design With Three Bedrooms in The Village

Simple House Design With Three Bedrooms in The Village

vmiredetstva – The decision to build a house in the countryside is often influenced by the aspiration to enjoy the beauty of nature and a quiet atmosphere without sacrificing the expected design aesthetics.

  • Vital instructions before choosing a simple house design with three bedrooms in the village environment.
  • Selection of a Simple 3 Bedroom House Design in the Countryside with a Focus on Efficient Size and Layout to Maximize Land Utilization.
  • Set a realistic budget for the Mitra10 Friends home project. Make sure that the design chosen is in accordance with the available budget.
  • Consider the size of the land owned. The house design needs to be in accordance with the dimensions of the available land and be optimal in its use.
  • Use local building materials to support the sustainability of the project and reduce costs incurred. Harmonize the design with the local environmental conditions.
  • Flexible and Multifunctional Space: The ideal home design should provide flexible space, able to adjust various room functions as needed, such as rooms that can
  • function as workspaces or living rooms.
    Inspirations for a Simple 3-Bedroom Home Design in the Village, Offering Comfort.
  • The charm of natural beauty, cool air, and a natural atmosphere are attractive factors for individuals who choose to build a house in the countryside.
  • Even though it is located in a village environment, the house can still display a modern or minimalist design.
  • A simple house design with three bedrooms in the village is able to combine comfort with natural beauty.

The decision to build a house in the countryside is often influenced by the desire to enjoy the beauty of nature and tranquility without having to sacrifice the desired design style. Please read this article to the end to get various inspirations for house designs with three bedrooms in the village.


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Minimalism with even lighting.

This simple 3-bedroom house design in the village has been optimized to utilize natural lighting through the use of large windows, the adoption of a minimalist concept, and an emphasis on cream colors to create a comfortable atmosphere. Additional space in the family room and master bedroom provides more comfort.

Easy access to sunlight supports energy efficiency and the well-being of the occupants. By combining functionality, aesthetics, and comfort, this house reflects the harmony between modern needs and the beauty of the village environment.

A house with three bedrooms in the village with a large outdoor area.
A house consisting of three simple bedrooms located in a village.

A simple 3-bedroom house design in the village is designed to utilize the large land with the addition of a terrace and backyard. Fresh air and a calm atmosphere can enhance the relaxation experience outside the home.

Equipped with two bathrooms, a separate kitchen, and a spacious dining room, this house is suitable for those who like to cook. The presence of natural elements is conveyed through tiles that have a rough texture in the outdoor area and the use of original wooden furniture indoors, creating a harmony between contemporary design and natural beauty.

Modern minimalism that is understated

A simple house design with three bedrooms in the village combines elements of modern minimalist style and simplicity that match the peaceful environment. With two bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining area, and a family room in one room, each family member can have an adequate area to focus on their individual activities. There is a terrace in the backyard with a symmetrical arrangement that creates additional space to relax while enjoying the natural scenery around.

Simple house design with 3 spacious bedrooms.
A house consisting of 3 bedrooms with a simple layout is located in a village.

This simple house design with 3 bedrooms in the countryside features spacious bedrooms, especially the master bedroom which is suitable for a king-size bed and other needs.

The minimalist and flexible design provides space for residents to adjust the room according to their needs, such as replacing cabinets with work desks or dressing tables. This house provides comfort, privacy, and adaptability, very suitable for large land in the countryside.


This simple village house design utilizes an L-shaped plot of land with the aim of creating a comfortable and spacious space, even though the available land is limited. The front functions as a terrace, living room, and kitchen, while the bedrooms are placed parallel to the back.

With large windows near the entrance and ventilation above the door of each bedroom, this design ensures optimal air circulation.

Design of a simple house consisting of three bedrooms in the countryside with an additional warehouse.

The design of a simple house with three bedrooms provides facilities for storage needs by providing a special space for a warehouse. When moving from urban to rural areas, the presence of a warehouse can help maintain the order and organization of the house, especially for storing large items.

In addition to the warehouse, using the remaining land as extra storage space is a practical alternative to maintaining kitchen cleanliness and ensuring the availability of space for storing food and other household needs.


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Design of a simple house with three bedrooms in a rural environment, with the specification of the kitchen being at the front of the house.
A simple three-bedroom house located in a village.

This simple village house design has been adapted with the concept of placing the kitchen at the front of the house as an effort to reduce the need for a smoke extractor.

Similar to the design style of urban homes, the selection of the location of the kitchen near the entrance is considered to separate the private area at the back and maintain security by blocking heat from the kitchen from escaping into the house area.

This layout has been designed with special consideration to increase comfort and security in rural housing design.

Simple house design with three bedrooms in a village equipped with a swimming pool.
A simple house with three bedrooms is located in a village.

The design of a house containing three bedrooms in this village not only functions as a place to live, but also provides comfort and entertainment for its residents. The carport area provides a safe place for vehicles, protecting them from the weather and environmental elements.

At the same time, the swimming pool contributes to creating a recreational and relaxing atmosphere, which produces a calm atmosphere in the middle of a rural environment. The combination of simple design, comfort, and entertainment makes the house an ideal place to live to enjoy rural life with all the modern facilities available.

9. Simple house design with three bedrooms in the village including a front bathroom.
Question:Write the text below in a formal writing style: “simple 3-bedroom house in the village.”

The design of this simple three-bedroom house in the village takes into account practical needs by placing the main bathroom adjacent to the main bedroom. In a three-bedroom residence that is usually occupied by several individuals, it is highly recommended to provide more than one bathroom facility.

Things You Need to Know About Building Construction

Things You Need to Know About Building Construction

Things You Need to Know About Building Construction –  Structural engineering is a technology used in building construction. However, before starting the construction process, you must first know what you need to know about building construction so that the results you get are in accordance with current standards.

Things You Need to Know About Building Construction

Things You Need to Know About Building Construction

vmiredetstva – For those of you who are currently considering continuing college or planning to build a building or apartment, here are five things you need to know about building construction.

Five things you need to know about building construction
1. Types of building structures
The first thing you need to know is the types of building structures.

The first is housing construction. This type of construction includes residential buildings, flats, apartments, condominiums, and flats.

Office building construction
Office building construction is also a common type of construction. This type of construction includes offices and office houses (Rukan).

Industrial construction
Third, there is industrial building construction, this type of construction includes factories, workshop buildings, factory buildings for the management and processing of nuclear materials.

Construction of shopping buildings
Construction of shopping buildings includes commercial buildings (shopping centers/markets), department stores (Tselba), shops, shops (Ruco), and food stalls. Construction of health facilities
The next type of construction is the construction of health facilities. This type of construction includes hospitals, clinics, health centers, medical centers, medical buildings, and laboratory buildings.


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Educational buildings
Almost on every street, you can see the construction of educational buildings. This type of construction includes school buildings, courses, laboratories, and other buildings that support education.

Accommodation construction
In certain areas, the construction of accommodation facilities such as hotels, hostels, and inns is underway. Construction of sports buildings and entertainment facilities
Next is the construction of sports and entertainment facilities. This type of construction includes cinemas, cultural or art buildings, tourist buildings, sports buildings.

Other construction work
After all, we are talking about the construction of places of worship, terminal and station buildings, airports, monumental buildings, government buildings, and so on.

2. Health factors in construction
The next thing you need to know is the health factors in building buildings. Pipe Construction
Good pipes are a must for every house or building. This is because pipes function to meet water needs and also function as a waste disposal route to the construction site.

Good Air Circulation
Good air circulation is one of the health factors in construction, because clean air in the building supports health factors. This element can be achieved by installing windows that can be opened. In today’s fast-paced era, good air circulation is supported by air filters, and so on. Lighting Factor
It is not uncommon for houses and buildings to have large windows. Large windows not only show the beauty of the interior from outside the building and allow you to enjoy the surrounding scenery, but also let sunlight into the apartment or building.

Health Facilities
Health facilities such as swimming pools can not only be used as decorations for houses and buildings, but can also be used as daily sports facilities. Not only swimming pools, medical facilities can also be equipped with hot water systems during building construction.

3. Important parts of building construction
The following are important parts of building construction.

Whether it’s a house or a building, when building a building, you first need a foundation. Concrete foundations are used for building foundations. This is because concrete foundations are very stable and elastic, and can prevent buildings from peeling off the ground.

Concrete blocks
The next important part is concrete blocks, which function to distribute the building load evenly and evenly across the entire surface of the ground. Please note that the larger the concrete blocks you use, the better the building’s bearing capacity.

Walls are an irreplaceable element in the construction of any building or house. Walls have an important function to provide additional support to the building and absorb the load from the roof and distribute it evenly across the floor.

Not only walls, floors are also an important part, because they play an important role in enlivening the atmosphere of the building, making it more attractive and not boring. There are many types of floors, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.


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4. Stages of building construction
The fourth point is the construction stage.

Stages of building construction planning
When building something, including a building, the first thing that is carried out is planning. The process carried out at this stage is to determine the necessary building materials, the budget, the duration or date of the work, and the appointment of a responsible person. Construction phase and construction supervision
Once the planning is complete, we start the construction phase. In this phase, all activities and processes must be consistent with the plan that was created. The building construction phase includes many supporting elements, such as permits and responsible parties, cooperation with contractors and subcontractors, and work safety.

Once the construction of the building begins, the next step is monitoring. In this phase, we check whether the construction is in line with the plan, from the construction deadline to the safety of the building’s use.

Maintenance and preparation of the building for use phase
The final phase is the maintenance and preparation of the building for use phase. This stage checks the integrity of the building facilities and inspects the building for damage and defects that require repair or modernization.

5. Types of Building Maintenance
The last thing you need to know about building construction is the types of construction maintenance.

Routine Maintenance
This type of maintenance is done on a daily basis, such as cleaning doors and window panes, cleaning drains and yards, and oiling door hinges.

Regular Routine Maintenance
As the name suggests, this is maintenance that is done over a period of time, such as repainting the building every four years. Unplanned maintenance Unplanned maintenance occurs suddenly when damage occurs that requires immediate repair, such as cracked roof tiles or broken glass.

Architectural Styles of Houses in Indonesia

Architectural Styles of Houses in Indonesia

Architectural Styles of Houses in Indonesia – So far we often hear that a beautiful house is a minimalist house. In fact, there are many different architectural styles that you can use to choose your dream home.

Architectural Styles of Houses in Indonesia

Architectural Styles of Houses in Indonesia

vmiredetstva – If you look closely, you will find that Indonesia has a variety of unique and distinctive housing architectural styles.

Many buildings date back to the Dutch colonial era, and some of them are part of history. However, minimalist houses are still the most popular in Indonesia today. The architectural design of a house plays an important role in determining the character of a house. This is because housing can be distinguished based on its architectural design. Starting from modern, minimalist, industrial to Dutch colonial house designs, all of these architectural styles have their own characteristics.

Indonesian housing architectural styles

Are you interested in the various architectural styles of houses in Indonesia? Hopefully it will be useful before building your dream home. Here is the review:

1. Northern European housing architecture

The first architectural style is the Scandinavian house. Many people like this house design.

The uniqueness of this residential architecture lies in the principle of drawing lines that look more continuous and perfect. This Scandinavian house is easily recognized by its white to blue-gray colors, and these colors give a soft impression to its interior. Furniture in Scandinavian architectural style houses often uses soft colored wood.

2. Industrial house architectural style

Second, the architecture of this house is inspired by old factory buildings from the past. In 2010, this industrial architectural concept was in great demand in Indonesia.

However, such a design is more suitable for restaurants and cafes that are now popping up like mushrooms, especially in urban areas. Over time, this industrial house architectural style is now widely used as a housing concept.

When you choose this house concept, you will get a house with a unique interior and exterior design and lots of exposed ceilings.

3. Dutch colonial residential architectural style

This residential architectural style seems to be popular in several big cities. For example, this building is mostly found in Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Jakarta. In modern times like today, the concept of a Dutch colonial house is actually outdated. In fact, a house like this has many advantages compared to modern housing today.

Dutch colonial style houses have very high ceilings and give a cool impression.

In addition, large windows make the house feel cool and spacious without the need for air conditioning.


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4. open architectural style
Open architectural houses are also very popular, because they are designed to combine two rooms in one house without any walls separating them.

This open architectural style makes the house look bigger. Homeowners can also design their house plans without being blocked by partitions.

5. Tropical house architecture
Next is the “tropical house” architectural style which is still popular with many people today. In accordance with its tropical concept name, this house is surrounded by many plants.

These plants have the ability to make your home area more shady. In addition, tropical houses usually have large windows with sliding doors.

The concept of this tropical house aims to allow natural air to enter the house faster and keep the indoor atmosphere always cool.

6. American classic architecture
The architectural style of this house is the same because the main building material is wood. The outer walls of this house also use a lot of wood.

Although made of wood, it has a luxurious feel with a classic American atmosphere. The overall appearance of this concept house has an American feel, luxurious and elegant.

7. modern housing architecture
In fact, modern houses almost resemble the architectural style of minimalist houses. However, when viewed from the design of the house, the two are very different.

This modern house combines several interior designs into one, making it even more luxurious. One example is combining minimalist house elements with art deco elements to create a modern home that looks unique.

8. minimalist housing architecture
This is a minimalist house and the best-selling house design in Indonesia. This is usually seen in apartment buildings that use this architectural style.

Since the 2000s, many minimalist houses inspired by Japanese Zen have been built. This is a comfortable house to live in, with an extraordinary appearance and functionality.

The architectural style of this house is simple and based on soft colors, conveying a warm impression of life.

9. Modern minimalist house
A minimalist house alone is not enough, it is necessary to prioritize modern aspects along with the times.


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In the world of architecture, a house is not just a place to live, but also an expression of the lifestyle and individuality of the people who live there. In Indonesia, people have chosen different architectural styles of houses to create beautiful and functional spaces. From minimalist designs to tropical houses that blend with nature, explore the uniqueness of nine popular architectural styles of houses in Indonesia.

1. Scandinavian House: Beauty in Simplicity
The Scandinavian residential architectural style presents beauty through simplicity. The design is characterized by continuous lines and a dominance of white to blue-gray colors. This concept creates a bright and airy space, increasing the openness and coolness of the home atmosphere.

2. Minimalist House: Elegance in Simplicity
A minimalist house is the answer for those seeking elegance in simplicity. This simple and beautiful house design is popular in Indonesia. Open spaces and the use of minimalist elements create a calm and comfortable atmosphere.

3. Tropical House: Enjoying Indonesia’s nature
The tropical house style was created according to Indonesia’s climate conditions. The Tropical House creates a harmonious relationship between indoor and outdoor spaces by utilizing nature as the main inspiration. Natural materials such as wood and stone are used to create a refreshing tropical atmosphere. 4. American Classic Home: Bringing America to Indonesia
American Classic Home refers to American architecture and incorporates the concept of American nationality and culture into the design of the home. Classic details and traditional nuances create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

5. Modern Home: A blend with modernity
The modern home style reflects the development of 21st century architecture. This concept combines cutting-edge technology and creativity to create innovative and futuristic spaces. The building reflects the spirit of the ever-changing times.



Good Home Architecture Choices

Good Home Architecture Choices

Good Home Architecture Choices –  Residential architectural design plays a crucial role in defining the character of each house. This is due to the architectural design of the house which can differentiate each residence from one another.

Good Home Architecture Choices

Good Home Architecture Choices

vmiredetstva – Starting from modern, minimalist, industrial house designs, to Dutch colonial houses, all of these architectural styles are able to present unique characteristics.

This diversity reflects the rich aesthetics and various preferences of society. Types of House Architecture

Below are 11 home architectural design options commonly found in Indonesia, which can serve as a source of inspiration for realizing your dream home. Modern architectural design

House architecture

This modern house design is the most popular type of architecture among the urban population. This residential design displays elegant simplicity,

but still exudes a masculine and aesthetic impression through a combination of sharp lines and bold geometric shapes. The use of color and material selection is not complex, so it is easier to combine with various other design styles, according to the occupants’ preferences and needs.

Furthermore, modern homes are equipped with optimal lighting systems and superior air circulation.

Spacious window openings allow in abundant natural light
and the flow of fresh air into the house. However, it is very important to avoid installing windows on west-facing walls,
because this can cause the house to become very hot in the afternoon.
Japanese style architectural design

house architecture


A house design with a Japanese feel is ideal for those of you who want a place to live that is simple but exudes charming natural beauty. The architectural style of this house emphasizes the purity of the building form, and utilizes natural materials such as wood, bamboo and stone as construction elements.

This approach not only creates a harmonious aesthetic, but also contributes to environmental sustainability. In a residence that carries the Japanese style, there is generally a garden in the house,
which brings harmony with nature as well as visual beauty and tranquility. Supported by the use of sliding doors (shoji) and large windows, lots of natural light flows into the house, creating an increasingly Japanese feel.


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Classic house architectural design

strikingly different from modern and Japanese architecture, highlighting a sense of luxury, artistic elegance and grandeur. One of the most striking characteristics of a classic house is its symmetrical and proportional shape.

Starting from the shape of the building, windows, doors, to other ornaments, everything is placed equally on both sides of the building.

Each of these elements creates attractive visual harmony. Materials that are generally used to beautify the exterior and interior of residences include natural stone, wood, brick and marble.

The use of this material emphasizes the impression of a luxurious residence

and classy. In addition, classic house architecture has decorations that are rich in detail.

Every element of this type of house, including wall panels, roof trim, pillars, as well as balcony and stair railings, often serve as canvases for intricate carvings, signaling a traditional, aesthetic elegance.

The existence of these ornaments not only adds aesthetic value, but also reflects a rich cultural heritage. Classic American home architectural design

The classic American house is a residential option that offers an attractive architectural aesthetic. Basically, the architectural concept of this house is similar to a classic house, but gives a warmer and simpler impression.

This type of residence uses wood as the main material for the structure and interior, without excessive motifs like traditional classical architecture.

The color palette commonly used includes cream, gray, white, brown, and various other pastel shades.

The combination of these elements produces an elegant residential appearance
and casual at the same time. Art Deco house architectural design


Art Deco home architecture emerged as a result of the modernism movement that developed between the 1920s and 1930s. This house design emphasizes a simpler concept, in an effort to break away from the attachment of classical architecture.

This concept focuses on practicality and minimalist beauty. In other words, the Art Deco architectural style firmly challenged the norms of classical architecture
by integrating design elements that are simpler, but at the same time more abstract, innovative and experimental. The main characteristic of Art Deco house architecture lies in its majestic and unique appearance, with a minimum of excessive decoration.

This design creates an elegant and classy impression. The shape of the house is designed with elegant curves and flat roofs, as well as striking colors to increase artistic and aesthetic value.

This design is not only visually attractive, but also creates charming harmony in the surrounding environment. In Indonesia, you can find a collection of charming Art Deco style houses in the city of Bandung.

Tropical house architectural design, which is very relevant to Indonesia, is an ideal solution for hot and humid climates,

as well as the high intensity of rain in this country. Tropical houses are designed with many large openings that function as natural ventilation, allowing fresh air to enter the space, while also cooling the house efficiently.

This not only increases occupant comfort, but also minimizes energy use. In addition, the presence of various plants around the residence can provide protection from exposure to direct sunlight,

reduces heat, and creates a cooler and more comfortable atmosphere. Meanwhile, the building materials commonly used are natural wood, such as teak and meranti, which are resistant to moisture and heat.

The roof shape is designed with a steep slope so that rainwater can flow straight down,
so it doesn’t settle and damage the roof. Mediterranean house architectural design

This residence is inspired by the typical architecture of the Mediterranean region, especially countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece. The architectural characteristic of this house is the white facade, which creates a clean and fresh impression, and contrasts with the surrounding environment.

This white color not only reflects a modern aesthetic, but also creates a calming atmosphere. The materials used are natural elements, such as natural stone, ceramics and terracotta, which aim to provide texture, warmth and an organic feel to the residence.


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Minimalist house architectural design


Minimalist houses have become one of the most popular forms of architectural design in Indonesia. This residence integrates simplicity, balance and harmony with nature, through the adoption of Scandinavian architectural style and Zen cultural concepts originating from Japan.

This work reflects a charming aesthetic fusion between two rich cultural traditions. Minimalist home architectural designs emphasize functionality rather than building aesthetics.

The appearance of this residence tends to maintain its basic shape (box),
plain without excessive decoration, has large openings, and uses neutral or monochrome colored wall paint. The interior of the house is designed with an open space concept with minimal barriers, making it easier for residents’ daily activities.

This configuration not only creates a spacious impression, but also increases interaction between family members. Even though it looks simple, the beauty of a minimalist house actually lies in its orderly, clean and neat design, which features firm lines and strong geometric shapes.

This elegance creates a harmonious and calming atmosphere. Industrial house architectural design

This residential model is inspired by factory structures or industrial warehouses. Different from other types of housing, industrial architecture exudes uniqueness and beauty through its open structure.

With its standout characteristics, this style offers an aesthetic that harmoniously combines function and design. In other words, this residential construction is left exposed without needing to be covered in excessive paint,
so you can still see the brick walls and the water pipe structure on the ceiling clearly. Like factories or industrial warehouses in general, the architecture of this house features open spaces with high ceilings, creating a spacious and airy impression.

This design optimizes the use of space and provides a freer feel. Apart from that, the materials used for construction and residential interiors generally consist of iron, metal and wood that has not been refined.

Latest Inspiration for Minimalist Office Design

Latest Inspiration for Minimalist Office Design

Latest Inspiration for Minimalist Office Design –  Modern office interior design emphasizes aesthetic spaces that create a comfortable atmosphere. This design is implemented in various forms, paying attention to offices that have minimal decoration and furniture, thus creating a more spacious atmosphere.

Latest Inspiration for Minimalist Office Design

Latest Inspiration for Minimalist Office Design

vmiredetstva – The main focus is to create a comfortable and functional space, without sacrificing aesthetics. The following are some minimalist office design recommendations that you can apply:

Of course! However, it appears that the text you provided is incomplete. Could you please share the full content you’d like rewritten? Modern green that is environmentally friendly

The design of an office space that is located in a dense urban area and experiences high pollution can be given a refreshing feel by the presence of a number of plant elements in it. One way to make this happen is by creating a vertical garden on one of the walls.

This is not only an aesthetic solution, but also beneficial for the environment. You can make various other creations by adding green plants, which are known to refresh tired eyes after staring at a computer screen all day.

This plant not only beautifies the room, but also has a calming effect on the sense of sight. Getting a green plant pot that looks modern is not difficult.
This can be an ideal minimalist design choice for an office environment filled with deadlines and pressure.
Of course! However, it seems you provided  “2.” without any additional context or text to rewrite. Could you please provide the content you’d like me to refine? Cheerful and colorful office

Minimalist designs like this have become commonplace, especially for work spaces that encourage creativity. The playground office approach integrates a bold color palette that creates a fun atmosphere, while sparking a variety of brilliant ideas.

This design not only stimulates creativity, but also encourages dynamic collaboration among its users. A pool table placed in the corner of the room
or a large, colored bean bag creates a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.
You don’t even need to buy a set of office furniture; You can freely mix and match the decorations according to your taste.

This provides the flexibility to create a unique and engaging work atmosphere. This may be the office design you need to increase employee comfort at work.

With a more pleasant atmosphere, productivity can be maintained well. Of course! Here’s a more refined version of your text with the requested line breaks:

Glass divider

Minimalist design is often associated with spacious spaces, but often sacrifices aspects of privacy. Each individual can observe the activities carried out by other fellow employees.

This concept can be illustrated using glass partitions as a replacement for conventional or cubic partitions.

The use of glass partitions gives a modern and open impression to the space. Thus, there is no distance between superiors and subordinates,
which ensures productivity is maintained. The room also looks wider thanks to the transparent partition used.

This design element creates the illusion of an open, modern space. Glass dividers can be combined with white, silver or stainless steel furniture,
to create a more prominent modern impression.
Can also be combined with wood materials to create a contrasting appearance.

This minimalist office design has a high level of flexibility, so it can be easily combined with various other similar styles.

This combination not only creates an attractive aesthetic, but also enhances the functionality of the space. Of course! However, it’s unclear what specific text you would like me to rewrite. Could you please provide the text you would like to see transformed? Minimalist small office space design without any partitions

Presents a simpler and modern concept. You rent an office space without installing any partitions.

This is what we often encounter in shared offices, where everyone works together in one large room.

This collaborative atmosphere creates a unique dynamic and encourages interaction between colleagues. Circulation will not be an obstacle; Likewise communication, which can be done without needing to leave the room to interact with other departments.

This will increase efficiency and minimize wasted time. They are across the office, clearly visible from where you sit.

You can easily observe them from your position. All that is needed is furniture to separate each department, which can be customized according to each division’s preferences.

Sure, here’s a refined version of the text with appropriate line breaks:


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Dynamic monochrome options

Minimalist office design can focus on color choices, such as the classic combination of black and white, which is often known as monochrome. White creates the impression of a larger room, while black adds an interesting contrast.

With this combination, the resulting atmosphere becomes more dynamic and interesting. Color choices can be applied from the floor to the selection of tables and chairs.

A harmonious combination will create a more attractive and aesthetic atmosphere. The fundamental aspect to note in this kind of design is its striking simplicity.

Pilihlah perabotan multifungsi yang dapat memberikan sentuhan unique in this simple modern look.

The combination of functionality and aesthetics will create a space that is not only attractive, but also practical. Of course! However, it seems like the text you provided consists only of a number and some newline characters without any additional context. Could you please provide the text you’d like to be rewritten? U letter design
If you have a large office space but a limited number of employees, adopting a U-shaped office design could be the right choice. Desks integrated into the surrounding walls give employees the ideal space to concentrate on their tasks.

This minimalist office design still allows employees to interact with their colleagues, creating a collaborative work environment.

With a simple aesthetic touch, this space encourages effective communication among employees. In the middle of the room, the empty area can be optimized by placing a long table, which functions as a place for meetings or for interacting with other employees.

This way, the space will be more functional and support better collaboration. In this way, all employees can be monitored in one room without the need for excessive partitions or furniture.

This not only improves efficiency, but also facilitates better collaboration between team members. Sure, I can help with that! However, it seems you didn’t provide the text that you would like me to rewrite. Could you please share the specific text or message you want me to enhance? Modern industrial office workspace design

Industrial style is often combined with minimalist interiors, creating a distinctive vintage look. Unplastered walls,
and the ceiling is left open without a cover. This is the main characteristic of a minimalist style that is open and full of freedom.

You will feel comfortable when you are in an office whose ambiance resembles a unique, warm cafe.

This atmosphere creates a pleasant and productive work environment. The key to implementing such an office design lies in the selection of furniture,
which is dominated by wood, iron, stainless and glass materials. In addition, leaving parts of the room structure that are not completely finished can create harmony in a space that looks simple, but full of meaning.

This arrangement provides an immersive dimension to the occupant experience. Of course! However, it seems that you may have wanted to provide a specific text to be rewritten. Please share the text you’d like to be rephrased, and I’ll be happy to help you! Contemporary wood dominated design

Minimalist office designs can be combined with large pieces of wood to create an attractive focal point in the room. Generally applied to meeting tables
or work desk. Thus, there is an area that is the center of attention, thanks to the use of large-sized wood, while the other elements are left in standard sizes.

This phenomenon creates an interesting contrast, highlighting the elegance and uniqueness of the design. This design integrates the traditional style of a country house or mountainside resort villa,
decorated with a modern touch that emphasizes minimal decoration and function. The desired appearance reflects a working atmosphere like a holiday at a relaxed resort, but is still able to raise work enthusiasm at the same time.

This combination of comfort and focus is expected to create an inspiring and productive environment. Of course! Here’s a polished version of your text:


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**Futuristic Minimalist**
What comes to your mind when talking about futuristic minimalist office design? Maybe furniture that is dominated by silver or stainless steel. You can adopt a white color palette by placing lamps under tables or cupboards, creating a strong futuristic impression.

With the right lighting, your space will look more modern and attractive. This is an ideal office design choice for companies operating in the IT or technology sector.

This design creates an inspiring atmosphere and supports innovation. You just need to perfect it with the choice of decoration and furniture that is in harmony with the theme you have chosen.

That way, your space will reflect the desired aesthetic. This interior is known for its use of spacious and open spaces, allowing employees to move freely.

This design not only creates a familiar environment, but also increases productivity and creativity within the team. Sure! Here’s a refined version of your text with appropriate line breaks included:

A minimalist office design that combines artistic elements with a retro touch but is still modern can be an attractive choice.

What if we explore this concept further? The office will feature a harmonious blend of brown wood, combined with touches of bold color strategically placed in one area, creating a charming focal point within the entire space.

This design not only emphasizes aesthetics, but also exudes the character and uniqueness of the work space. You can choose wallpaper with striking colors or install paintings inspired by cartoons that steal the show.

This choice can add a unique touch and character to your room. This is an artistic concept that prioritizes minimalism in the use of color, choosing a number of shades to create the main focus without seeming excessive.

The presence of limited colors actually adds to the appeal and visual strength of the work. Take advantage of the minimalist office design inspiration discussed above to create your own work space.

By combining simple and functional elements, you can create an atmosphere that supports creativity and productivity. Pay attention to the space configuration and what elements you want to integrate into your office.

There are various designs that can be implemented by adhering to minimalist principles.

This concept allows beauty in simplicity. Your office not only offers visual appeal, but it also has a significant impact on employee morale.


The Uniqueness of Traditional House Architecture Is Irreplaceable

The Uniqueness of Traditional House Architecture Is Irreplaceable

The Uniqueness of Traditional House Architecture Is Irreplaceable – Traditional Javanese Houses or commonly called Javanese Traditional Houses refer to traditional houses on the island of Java, Indonesia. Javanese house architecture is characterized by the existence of dominant hierarchical rules which are reflected in the shape of the roof of the house.

The Uniqueness of Traditional House Architecture Is Irreplaceable

The Uniqueness of Traditional House Architecture Is Irreplaceable

vmiredetstva – Traditional Javanese houses have a layout that is very similar to other houses, but the shape of the roof is determined by the social and economic status of the owner.

Traditional Javanese house architecture was greatly influenced by Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia and also made a major contribution to the development of modern architecture in Indonesia in the 20th century.


Javanese people are closely related to Austronesian people. The reliefs of Borobudur Temple, which was built in the 9th century, also show that the Javanese house is the archetype of the Austronesian house. The arrival of Europeans in the 16th and 17th centuries introduced stone and brick into house construction, which was widely used by the wealthy. Traditional Javanese house forms also began to influence the development of Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia. In the early 19th century, houses in the Dutch East Indies resembled Javanese houses because the shape of the house was able to withstand tropical heat and heavy rain, while also being able to circulate air inside the house.

The Joglo house is a traditional Javanese construction. This house has very unique architectural characteristics that are different from modern houses. However, this is precisely what makes the architecture of this house so different and worthy of appreciation.

The characteristic of this house is found in the philosophy of the layout of the house and the rooms which have different functions and purposes. For more details, you can understand the article below.


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Characteristics and Philosophy of the Joglo House
This traditional Javanese house has its own characteristics and philosophy in its construction. You can understand more deeply by reading this article.

1. Unique construction style
This type of house has an urban layout that is in accordance with Javanese philosophy. Apart from that, this house is also decorated with various unique wooden carvings. If you visit the Joglo building, the architectural differences between this building and modern buildings will be even more pronounced.

2. There is a main door in the middle of the building
This traditional house has a specially made door in the middle of the building. This door was built parallel to the back rooms, creating beautiful harmony.

3. There is a beeper cup
A beeper cup is a home enclosure made from outdoor plants or shrubs. This pager has a height that is not too high to provide space for social interaction with neighbors.

4. There are 4 main support pillars
These four main pillars are also called Soko Guru. These posts work by supporting each other to make the construction system stronger.

5. It has a large terrace. Another specialty is that it has a fairly spacious terrace. The terrace of this traditional house is also known for not using partitions so it is considered unique and different from today’s houses.


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Names of Joglo Architectural House Rooms and Their Functions
Each room in the Joglo house has a different function. If you are curious, you can read the information like this.

1. Hall Room
Pendopoja is a symbol of protection and is also a place where rulers can socialize with their people and their courtiers.

2. Sala Pringgitan
This building is located behind the pavilion and also functions as a barrier between the pavilion and the palace. Usually this room is used to accommodate guests or other events.

3. Inside Ageng Room
This building is a place for rooms or what are called senthongs. The floors of Ageng’s inner palace are generally higher than those of the pavilion and Pringita.

4. Senthong Hall
Next there is the Senthong section. This room is a private part of the Joglo traditional house. The senhong is divided into three, namely the right part for the father, the left part for the mother and child, and the middle part for meditation purposes.

5. Gandhok
Next there is the Gandhok room which is located to the right and left of the pavilion room. This room is usually used as a room for growing children or as a living room. For boys it is on the right, and for girls it is on the left.

6. Service Area
This part of the house is Pawon or Pekiwan. Pawon is behind the left wing. This room is designed for cooking and entertaining neighbors. Next to it there is a well and also a bathroom.

The following is an explanation of the characteristics and names of the rooms in the yoglo house. Traditional architecture like this should always be preserved and preserved properly. If you are interested in the real estate sector, please contact the consulting service for information and advice on building a house.

Good Architectural Choices For Homes

Good Architectural Choices For Homes

Good Architectural Choices For Homes –  The architectural design of a house plays an important role in determining the character of each residence. Indeed, the architectural design of a house can differentiate one residence from another residence. Whether it’s a modern, minimalist, industrial or Dutch colonial house, all of these architectural styles can have unique characteristics.

Good Architectural Choices For Homes

Good Architectural Choices For Homes

Types of house architecture
vmiredetstva – Here are 11 choices of house architectural designs that are often found in Indonesia and can be used as inspiration for your dream home.

Modern architectural design

Modern house design is the type of house architecture that is most popular with urban communities. This residential design tends to be simple, but shows a masculine aesthetic impression through a combination of clean lines and bold geometric shapes.

The use of color and choice of materials is also not complicated so it is easier to combine with other different design styles, according to the occupants’ tastes and needs.

In addition, modern homes have excellent lighting and air circulation systems. Large window openings allow abundant natural light and fresh air to circulate throughout the home.

However, you should be careful to avoid using windows on the west wall, as they can make the house too hot in the afternoon.

Japanese style architectural design
house architecture

Japanese style house design is very suitable for those of you who want a simple residence with a charming natural touch. The architectural style of this house maintains the purity of the building form and uses natural materials such as wood, bamboo and stone as building materials.

In Japanese-style residences, there is usually a garden in the house which provides harmony with nature, as well as visual beauty and tranquility. In addition, through the use of sliding doors (shoji) and large windows, lots of natural light can enter the house, adding to the Japanese atmosphere.

Classic architectural house design

Very different from modern and Japanese architecture, classic house designs show a luxurious, artistic and majestic impression.

One of the most prominent characteristics of a classic house is its symmetrical and proportional shape. Starting from the shape of the building, windows, doors, to other decorations, everything is placed evenly on both sides of the building.

Materials that are often used to decorate the exterior and interior of houses are natural stone, wood, cement stone and marble. The use of this material emphasizes the impression of a luxurious and elegant residence.

In addition, the classic architecture of these houses displays very detailed decoration. Every element of this type of house, such as wall panels, roof coverings, pillars, even balcony steps and staircases, is often decorated with intricate carvings to convey a traditional aesthetic elegance.


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American Classic Home Architectural Design

The American Classic House is a well-architected residential choice. Basically, the architectural concept of this house is similar to a classic house, but the appearance is friendlier and simpler.

This type of residence uses wood as the main material for the building and interior of the house, without overly complicated designs like traditional classic houses. The color palettes commonly used are cream, gray, white, brown or other light colors. The combination of these elements produces an elegant and relaxed residential appearance.

Art Deco house architectural design

Art Deco house architecture was born as a result of the modernist movement that developed concepts in the 1920s and 1930s in an effort to free itself from the limitations of classical architecture.

In other words, the Art Deco architectural style challenged classical architectural norms by applying simpler, yet more abstract, innovative and experimental design elements.

The main characteristic of Art Deco house architecture is its majestic and unique appearance without many complicated decorations. The shape of the house is designed to be curved with a flat roof and bright colors to add artistic and aesthetic value.

In Indonesia itself, you can find a collection of Art Deco houses in the city of Bandung.

Tropical house architectural design is suitable for Indonesian house architecture

Tropical house architecture is very suitable to be applied in countries with tropical climates, especially in Indonesia which has hot air temperatures and high levels of humidity and rain intensity. .

Tropical houses have many large openings that function as natural ventilation so that fresh air can enter and cool the house naturally. Apart from that, the presence of lots of plants around the house can protect from direct sunlight, reduce heat and cool the house so that the atmosphere becomes more comfortable.

The building materials commonly used are natural woods such as teak and meranti which are resistant to humidity and heat. The roof shape is designed with a steep slope so that rainwater can flow directly, so it does not settle and damage the roof.

Mediterranean house architectural design

This residence is inspired by the architecture of the Mediterranean region, especially from countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece. The architectural characteristic of this house is its white facade to give a clean and fresh impression and contrast with the environment.

The materials used come from natural materials such as natural stone, ceramics and terracotta to bring texture, warmth and an organic appearance to the house.


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Minimalist house architectural design

Minimalist houses are one of the most popular architectural designs in Indonesia. This residence combines simplicity, balance and harmony with nature using Scandinavian architectural style and Zen cultural concepts originating from Japan.

Minimalist home architectural designs prioritize functionality over building aesthetics. The appearance of this residence tends to stick to a basic shape (box), simple without excessive decoration, large openings, and using neutral or monochromatic wall paint. The interior of the house is designed with an open space concept with minimal partitions, to facilitate the residents’ daily activities.

Although simple, the beauty of a minimalist home lies in its clean, neat and tidy design, highlighting strong lines and strong geometric shapes.

Industrial house architectural design

This house model is inspired by factory buildings or industrial warehouses. Different from other types of housing, industrial architecture exudes uniqueness and beauty thanks to its open structure.

In other words, the construction of this residence is left exposed without needing to be covered with excess paint, so that the brick walls and water pipe structure on the roof are still clearly visible.

Like industrial factories or warehouses in general, the architecture of this house has an open space with high ceilings so it looks spacious and airy.

Apart from that, the materials used for buildings and residential interiors are usually iron, metal and raw wood that has not been polished. All these materials give a raw, strong and authentic industrial impression.



Main Differences Between Architects and Interior Designers

Main Differences Between Architects and Interior Designers

Main Differences Between Architects and Interior Designers –  Architects and interior designers are two professions that are always needed in the construction or renovation of houses or buildings and public facilities. Both are experts in decorating and designing home decorations. The direction of the work is related to the beauty, function and safety of the building. This means that our architects and interior designers can help you create the perfect and comfortable house or apartment according to your needs.

Main Differences Between Architects and Interior Designers

Main Differences Between Architects and Interior Designers

vmiredetstva – However, it is also important to understand that architects and interior designers are two different professions. They have different responsibilities and roles. Of course, it’s important to know the differences between the two so you don’t have to worry about choosing between the two.

This article discusses the roles and responsibilities of architects and interior designers, including the differences between the two.

The work of architects and interior designers can still be confusing, even if you know what they do. Of course both institutions are important and can be combined to achieve aesthetic and functional results.

The differences between the two can be understood from the following things:

Functional differences
Before knowing the differences in the functions of an architect and an interior designer, it’s a good idea to first understand what functions and what must be done. First. any industry to understand the differences between the two.

The Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) defines an architect as an expert in designing and designing buildings, bridges, etc. This includes buildings built for the public, such as hospitals, places of worship, hotels and residences. Architects work as experts in designing construction projects from concept to completion. This architecture can be described as follows.


Architects often struggle with numbers, lines, and angles in their work. Mathematical and logical elements are two important areas that an artist must follow. The aim is to assess and ensure the safety and stability of the building.

In other words, an architecture firm’s primary focus is on building exteriors, including custom design and construction. The plans designed by the architects are full of functional, beautiful and safe values ​​designed according to customer needs.


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 2. Interior designer jobs
If you like designing rooms that are full of aesthetic value, then becoming an interior designer is the right job for you. Interior designers really understand the layout of a room, especially in designing room features, so that they can create the dream room that customers want.

Therefore, interior designers have good spatial skills. It also has the ability to influence the look and feel of a room to make it beautiful.

To become an interior designer, designers complete interior design courses. What will be learned in interior design courses is not only basic design skills such as elements, aesthetics, but also interior design principles.

Interior designers are trained to plan spaces for all types of buildings, including hotels and office spaces. This includes advising clients and designing work plans, which are the main roles of an interior designer.


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Different areas of responsibility
Architects are responsible for measuring, planning, and constructing buildings based on customer needs, weather, materials, and landscaping. The analysis carried out is related to the description of the organizational design and the relationship between the living rooms. And we are talking about the construction of the house itself.

Instead, interior designers seek to unify spaces and give them identity and style. This is done in residential buildings so that buyers can enjoy their home with all the needs they have chosen.

License Differences
You must be licensed as a professional architect, but not as an interior designer. All designers, especially decorators, can choose to do it themselves. No special training or licensing is required to start a design project.

However, Builders must meet a jurisdiction’s educational requirements to obtain a license. For most architects, this means attending architecture school and earning a professional degree through an NCARB-accredited program. You must also complete a minimum three-year internship. After that, you also have to take the State Architectural Registration (ARE) exam.

However, some states may require interior designers to have an interior design certificate. These states require interior designers to obtain NCIDQ (National Council for Interior Design Qualification) certification.

You must pass a three-part test covering seven areas that cover core interior design skills. These areas include project coordination, building regulations, contract management and building systems.

How would you explain the main differences between builders and interior designers? Make no mistake, for those who are interested in technical work, it is better to study architecture, but if you want work related to room conditions, you should consider interior design.

Tips and Designs For Small But Attractive Wooden Houses

Tips and Designs For Small But Attractive Wooden Houses

Tips and Designs For Small But Attractive Wooden Houses – Small wooden houses are a lifestyle that is increasingly popular in Indonesia. This house has many advantages, the construction costs are cheaper, the maintenance costs are low, and it looks warm and natural.

Tips and Designs For Small But Attractive Wooden Houses

Tips and Designs For Small But Attractive Wooden Houses

vmiredetstva – Advantages of wooden houses

  • Small wooden house design: Small wooden houses have a simple structure and natural beauty.
  • Environmentally friendly: Wood as a building material is environmentally friendly and has a low carbon footprint.
  • Thermal insulation: wooden houses have good insulation and reduce dependence on heating and cooling.
  • Reasonable construction costs: Construction of wooden houses is more economical, completed quickly, and labor costs are low.
  • Environmentally friendly: wooden houses are compatible with the environment and create good visual and general comfort.
  • Small tree houses combine natural beauty with practicality and comfort, making them an attractive option for many people.

Disadvantages of wooden houses

  • Susceptibility to pests and fungus: Wood is easily attacked by insects, bugs and fungus and requires more protection and regular maintenance.
  • Be warned: Wooden houses require extra care, including regular painting and insect repellent.
  • Fire hazard: Wood has low fire resistance, increasing the fire danger in wooden buildings.
  • Weather effects: Wood can react to weather changes causing shrinkage, expansion or changes in the structure of the building.
  • Structural design constraints: Log homes can limit structural design, especially for large buildings or buildings with complex designs. Therefore, it is better to design a small wooden house.

Unique and attractive small wooden house design inspiration
1. Small wooden house design

Small wooden house designs are the most popular designs. This design focuses on simplicity and functionality. The style of this house is simple, without many details. 2. Modern small wooden house design

The modern small wooden house design is a design that focuses on modern and stylish products. In this design, wood and modern materials such as paint or wood plaster are often used. The use of a flat roof creates a small and functional appearance.


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3. Old wooden house design

This small wooden house design looks simple but successful. The large windows let in natural light and give a nice sense of space. The wooden table and chairs on the front terrace invite you to sit back and relax enjoying the view.

4. Small wooden house with glass elements

The wooden house design with lots of glass windows creates a bright and open space and brings the impression of natural beauty indoors. With its warm and natural wooden structure, this house creates a balance between architectural beauty and connection with the surrounding environment.

5. Design a small tree house in the countryside

The small tree house design and rustic concept are designs that focus on classic style and natural products. Wooden furniture and rough textures are used in this design, so the house looks light and natural.

Furniture made from raw wood or other natural materials inspires simplicity and comfort.

6. Small wooden house design with an industrial theme

Industrial-themed wooden house designs combine the warmth and comfort of wood with the beauty and stimulation of modern industry. The result is a unique, elegant and functional home. The most widely used material is wood, as are iron, steel and concrete components.

7. Scandinavian small tree house

The Scandinavian small tree house design is a design that emphasizes a minimalist and elegant effect. In this design, wooden furniture and light colors are used, so the house looks small and elegant.

8. Small Japanese design for a small wooden house

Small Japanese designs for small wooden houses are designs that emphasize simplicity and functionality. In this design, wooden furniture is used with a simple appearance and arrangement so that the house looks good.

Japanese-style wooden house designs include the use of sliding doors or fusuma, transparent shoji walls, and tatami floors that reflect Japanese style.

9. Design a small room in a wooden house

The design of a small room in a wooden house is a design that emphasizes warmth and comfort. In this design, wooden furniture with a classic appearance is used, so the house feels warm and comfortable. The building creates a pleasant and beautiful space with its clever triangular structure.


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10. Tiny Villa wooden house design

The design of a small wooden villa is a design that focuses on simple and beautiful effects. This house provides interesting views from the entrance and small stairs at the front floor. The green garden in front of the house provides a natural touch and beautiful fruit.

11. Small wooden house design for the beach

This small wooden house design looks like a beach house. With painted bamboo lining, this house looks light and refined. A small staircase in front of the garden with planters will create a beautiful atmosphere and provide space for ornamental plants. The choice of bright colors creates a fresh atmosphere and supports enthusiasm for starting your daily routine.

12. Small portable wooden house design


The design of a small portable wooden house is a design that prioritizes ease of movement. In this design, wooden furniture is usually used which is light and easy to separate so that the house is easy to move.

13. Wooden house design with fence

The following tiny wooden house was inspired by adding a small fence around the balcony. The choice of fashionable colors gives it a special charm and evokes an old style. With a traditional appearance, this house immediately seems classic at first glance.

Wooden box homes create a simple yet beautiful aesthetic. The design focuses on geometric shapes and simplicity, offering a modern and practical look.